We've included answers to some frequent questions below. If you have an unanswered question, please email us at info@wetknotfarms.com
We are beginning to book weddings in the 2025 season! To find out more, visit our Wedding & Events page here.
Yes! However, you will need to contact me via e-mail for pricing. We will honor wholesale pricing when ordering larger quantities, but sales tax will be added to anyone who does not have a re-sale license.
**Please note the wholesale and/or bulk pricing does not mean "Cheap Flowers". Local flowers does not mean cheaper. Imported flowers are cheaper and often subsidized or grown in poor working conditions and may include child labor. **
Very occasionally we will do a volunteer day. However farming is a skillset, and believe people working should be compensated fairly. We appreciate the sentiment, but believe community gardens and non-profits would benefit from volunteer work.
Our farm is not open to public. Orders are picked up at our residential home, farmer's market, or other pre-arranged destination.